
Kish Chicken

Kish Chicken:

Dough Ingredients:

200 g flour
100 g butter
1 egg
Little water
Mix the flour and butter until it is drained, add the salt and eggs and mix. Add the water if the egg is not enough to collect the dough. Leave the dough in the fridge for 30 minutes.


- Do not knead the dough.
- This quantity is enough for a 25 cm diameter tray.
Filling amounts:
300 g chicken breast cut small squares
2 Pepper Beads (Ada Color Available) Boxes
Medium Onion Bean Boxes
Mushroom or canned boxes
olive oil
1 garlic clove
In a pan with a little oil, add the mashed garlic, chicken, salt, and bacon, and stir the chicken well until it becomes golden.
Pour the peppers, too, with the oil, bilberry salt and keep it aside.
Same for onions and mushrooms.
Egg mixture:
5 eggs
6 ml cream or milk
Salt, Apricot
Chopped parsley
Cheese with red curd
Mix all the ingredients in the bowl.
Put aside the dough, put on the mold, and put it in the oven until it is cooked.
Put the ingredients over the dough evenly and set them over the egg mixture and enter the oven until it ripens and acquires a golden color.
Health and wellness .
Offers a warm.

Ihab Beghdaoui

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